All articles by Jomar Thonstad

2 articles

Articles in volume 43 (1989)

The Phase Diagrams of the Systems Na3AlF6-Fe0.947O and Na3AlF6-FeF2 and Related Activities of FeF2 from Emf Measurements.

Johansen, Helge Grini; Sterten, Åsmund; Thonstad, Jomar

Pages: 417-420.

DOI number: 10.3891/acta.chem.scand.43-0417
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Articles in volume 49 (1995)

The Solubility of SnO2 in NaF--AlF3--Al2O3 Melts.

Xiao, Haiming; Thonstad, Jomar; Rolseth, Sverre

Pages: 96-102.

DOI number: 10.3891/acta.chem.scand.49-0096
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