All articles by S. G. Laland

6 articles

Articles in volume 6 (1952)

Deoxyribonucleic Acids.

Laland, S. G.; Overend, W. G.; Webb, M.

Pages: 1545-1551.

DOI number: 10.3891/acta.chem.scand.06-1545
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Articles in volume 8 (1954)

The Isolation of 2-Deoxy-D-ribose from Deoxypentosenucleic Acids.

Laland, S. G.; Overend, W. G.

Pages: 192-198.

DOI number: 10.3891/acta.chem.scand.08-0192
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The Preparation of Apurinic Acids and A New Method for the Quantitative Determination of the Purine Contents of Deoxyribonucleic Acids.

Laland, S. G.

Pages: 449-458.

DOI number: 10.3891/acta.chem.scand.08-0449
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The Sugar Component of Deoxypentosenucleic Acid from Mycobacterium phlei.

Jones, A. S.; Laland, S. G.

Pages: 603-610.

DOI number: 10.3891/acta.chem.scand.08-0603
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Articles in volume 9 (1955)

The Synthesis of D-Arabinose-1-14C and D-Ribose-1-14C.

Laland, S. G.; Smith-Kielland, I.

Pages: 393-396.

DOI number: 10.3891/acta.chem.scand.09-0393
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Articles in volume 10 (1956)

Studies on Apurinic and Reduced Apurinic Acids - the Hydrogen Ion Dissociation Curves.

Hurlen, E.; Laland, S. G.; Cox, R. A.; Peacocke, A. R.

Pages: 793-802.

DOI number: 10.3891/acta.chem.scand.10-0793
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