All articles by Marianne Grønvald

2 articles

Articles in volume 14 (1960)

Studies on Carbamates. XIII. On the Catalytic Action of Zinc Tetrammine on the Process 'Carbon Dioxide <=> Carbonic Acid'.

Grønvald, Marianne; Faurholt, Carl

Pages: 1374-1380.

DOI number: 10.3891/acta.chem.scand.14-1374
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Articles in volume 17 (1963)

Reactions between Carbon Dioxide and Amino Alcohols. IV. Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane.

Grønvald, Marianne; Jensen, Mogens Ballund; Andersen, V. Sten

Pages: 2461-2465.

DOI number: 10.3891/acta.chem.scand.17-2461
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