All articles by R. Blinc

2 articles

Articles in volume 21 (1967)

Transient NMR Selection Method in Plant Breeding.

Zupančič, I.; Vrščaj, S.; Porok, J.; Levstek, I.; Eržen, V.; Blinc, R.; Paušak, S.; Ehrenberg, L.; Dumanović, J.

Pages: 1664-1665.

DOI number: 10.3891/acta.chem.scand.21-1664
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Articles in volume 25 (1971)

Pulsed Double Resonance Study of the Nuclear Quadrupole Interactions of 14N in Paraelectric Tri-glycine Sulfate.

Blinc, R.; Mali, M.; Osredkar, R.; Prelesnik, A.; Zupancic, I.; Ehrenberg, L.

Pages: 2403-2408.

DOI number: 10.3891/acta.chem.scand.25-2403
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